
A rooftop terrace creates a FUNctional space and also protects your roof when you use durable materials such as ceramic tile.



Top view of a terrace of a café framed with green leaves
  1. Ceramic tile protects your roof with a beautiful palette of textures, color, shapes, sizes, and styles.
  2. Perfect for pets and people, with slip-resistant options for wet conditions.
  3. Ceramic tile offers frost-resistant features and doesn’t fade or change with heat, making it the perfect outdoor choice for any climate.
  4. Resistant to scratches, scuffs, tears, dents, punctures, or gouges (whichever way the wind blows).
  5. Easy to clean and low maintenance.


Get away from it all or survey it all from a rooftop terrace.

Take advantage of this magical space and give it both a social and practical use with many aesthetic, functional, and economic benefits.

Where the lack of recreational space and green areas are much needed, utilizing the roof as a living space on top of the building increases the commercial value of the property. And, if you are building GREEN, a rooftop terrace may add credits towards your green building certifications. Go to for more information.

Ceramic tile has been a popular roofing material since the Roman times, and for good reason. Whether creating a secret retreat or a public recreation area, ceramic tile has vast options to create both the look you desire and the durability features to provide all the functionality you need. Ceramic tile installation offers a waterproof assembly with strength and longevity that enhances the protection your roof provides for your building and requires very little maintenance . . . which leaves you plenty of time to go up on the roof.

Create a space that becomes a natural part of your landscape—at home from skyscrapers to mountain ranges. The addition of a rooftop terrace can provide your building with additional entertaining space, green space for gardening (even beekeeping), or simply a serene oasis that takes one above the fray.

Tile Buying Guide

Download #OutsideTheBox: Your Tile Buying Guide…and get started now!