Retail (Movie Theaters)

Tile improves movie theater maintenance & design
Creating comfort throughout the theater begins with the creation of cleanliness in the areas that need it most — the lobby, concessions stands and restrooms. Nothing spoils an experience at the movies like an unkept lobby, dirty restroom, or grubby concessions stand. Ceramic tile’s features are star-studded—stain resistant, easy to clean and equally easy to disinfect, plus slip and fire resistant safety features.
Durable and resistant to the wear of foot traffic, ceramic tile controls maintenance costs while presenting a beautiful environment.
Comfort and cleanliness with room to stretch out those artistic muscles, ceramic tile stands up to the rigid standards needed for a high traffic lobby, restroom and concessions stand while still creating something amazing.
Ceramic tile is your ticket to efficient and durable design.

Download #OutsideTheBox: Your Tile Buying Guide…and get started now!