
Fireplaces are a design focal point that influences the overall comfort and gathering spaces of a room’s design.



Armchair and footrest in front of tiled fireplace. Pillow and blanket and a cup of tea. Big soft rug on the floor.
  1. Nonflammable!
  2. Adds style and value to your decor with hundreds of options for tile color, size, and shape
  3. Easy to clean and maintain
  4. Makes a quick, big change to an existing fireplace

Room Type

Turn up the heat on your design with beautiful ceramic tile for the fireplace.

Generate conversation, as well as heat, around a unique fireplace design. A timeless functional and decorative feature, the fireplace naturally draws attention to any design scheme. Build decor around the fireplace design or let it beautifully illuminate your space. Whether planning a new build or renovating an existing fireplace, create the perfect spot to relax, inspire, or simply share family time.

Ceramic tile provides a durable and eco-friendly design surface that is nonflammable and does not emit VOC’s. Many other surface options that contain vinyl or wood may not be suitable near a fireplace. Be sure that your heart is the only thing melting near your fireplace!

Ceramic tile offers varieties that are also frost-resistant so consider adding a cozy fireplace to an outdoor living space. But, fireplaces aren’t just for chilly evenings anymore. Enjoy the year-round beauty a fireplace brings to a space with ceramic tile. Choose from intricate mosaics to large slabs/planks, with finishes that evoke marble, stone, metal, and even wood.

Now that we’ve got your imagination warmed up for the ultimate fireplace, spark your creativity further by visiting our Tile Fireplace Pinterest board.

Tile Buying Guide

Download #OutsideTheBox: Your Tile Buying Guide…and get started now!