Case Study
Case Study:
The Little Woods House
Creating variety and ambiance in a private residence with sustainable and long-lasting tile.
Why Tile®?
With the goal of zero VOC emissions, Green Squared Certified products were chosen for this project. The Hues tile patterns and subtle color and texture variety provide a nice “cloud -like” experience, so that the eye will not labor on a particular tile pattern.
“Architect Michael Ruetschle, AIA LEED AP, received a Merit Award from the American Institute of Architects, Dayton Chapter, for this design of his private residence. Sustainable strategies employed include specification of building materials with high recycled content and using materials, sealants, and paints with low to zero VOC emissions.”
— Architect’s blog, “The Little Woods House”
Project Details
3,800 square feet
Dayton, OH
Tile Category:
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