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Elevator Bank With Large-Format Ceramic Tile

These long, rectangular, vertical wall tiles suggest the question before it’s even asked: “Up or down?” While these tiles have your eyes moving heavenward, the distressed square tiles underfoot are entirely grounding. Ceramic tile’s beautiful design options certainly give you lots to ponder, especially if you’re aware of its water-, stain-, scratch-, and slip-resistant options…

Wood-Look Ceramic Tile Spa

What’s better than a trip to the spa? Knowing that the surface materials the spa uses are clean, safe, and healthy. Ceramic tile is every spa owner’s dream come true, with low-maintenance cleaning (just wipe with water — no harsh chemicals needed), slip-resistant options (no accidents here), and resistance to mold, mildew, and bacteria. Paired…

Retro Barbershop With Wood-Look Ceramic Tile Flooring

This isn’t your grandfather’s barbershop. You can tell that a business takes quality seriously when it doesn’t skimp on materials: an exposed brick wall, exposed bulb lighting, wood-topped hairdresser stations, luxurious leather styling chairs, and ceramic tile flooring. If the other elements hearken back to the classy, retro era of barbershops, the light wood-look ceramic…